Casualties of the Iraq War. Estimates of the casualties from the conflict in Iraq since 2. US invasion of Iraq, and the ensuing occupation and insurgency) have come in many forms, and the accuracy of the information available on different types of Iraq War casualties varies greatly.

Credible estimates of Iraq War casualties range from 1. Other highly disputed estimates, such as the 2. Lancet study, and the 2. Opinion Research Business survey, put the numbers as high as 6.

The tables below summarize reports on Iraqi casualty figures. Scientific surveys: Source.

Information On The Battle of Hamburger Hill During The Vietnam War, also known as Hill 937, and as depicted in the 1987 Movie "Hamburger Hill". Synopsis, cast and crew, and user comments. Star Wars: The Old Republic, commonly abbreviated as The Old Republic, SWTOR, or simply TOR, is. Daniel Lang reports on the rape and murder of a Vietnamese girl by four American soldiers. Vietnam War: The Vietnam War (1954–75) pitted North Vietnam against South Vietnam and its main ally, the United States.

Estimated violent deaths. Time period. Iraq Family Health Survey. March 2. 00. 3 to June 2. Lancet survey. 60. March 2. 00. 3 to June 2. PLOS Medicine Survey[2]4.

Overview: Iraqi death estimates by source Summary of casualties of the Iraq War. Possible estimates on the number of people killed in the invasion and occupation of. Get the latest international news and world events from Asia, Europe, the Middle East, and more. See world news photos and videos at Battle of Longewala; Part of The Indo-Pakistani War of 1971: Tank tracks at Longewala. Photographic reconnaissance image taken at the time showing the desperate last. Battle of Antietam Sharpsburg Maryland, Antietam Killed Wounded Deaths Casualties Battle of Antietam Fatalities Casualty Order Battlefield American Civil War Timeline.

Iraq as direct or indirect result of the war including 1. March 2. 00. 3 to June, 2. Body counts: Overview: Iraqi death estimates by source Summary of casualties of the Iraq War. Possible estimates on the number of people killed in the invasion and occupation of Iraq vary widely,[1.

Estimates of casualties below include both the 2. Iraq and the following Post- invasion Iraq, 2. Iraq war logs. Classified US military documents released by Wiki.

Casualties Of War Full Movie In English

Leaks in October 2. Iraqi and Coalition military deaths between January 2. December 2. 00. 9.[3][7][8][9][1. The documents record 1.

Civilian" (6. 6,0. Host Nation" (1. 5,1. Enemy" (2. 3,9. 84 deaths), and "Friendly" (3,7. Iraqi Health Ministry. The Health Ministry of the Iraqi government recorded 8. Iraqi violent deaths between January 1, 2.

February 2. 8, 2. The data was in the form of a list of yearly totals for death certificates issued for violent deaths by hospitals and morgues. The official who provided the data told the Associated Press said the ministry does not have figures for the first two years of the war, and estimated the actual number of deaths at 1. The Associated Press. Associated Press stated that more than 1. Iraqis had been killed since the start of the war to April 2. This number is per the Health Ministry tally of 8.

January 1, 2. 00. February 2. 8, 2. February 2. 9, 2. For more info see farther down at The Associated Press and Health Ministry.

More information. Iraq Body Count. The Iraq Body Count project (IBC) figure of Documented civilian deaths from violence is 1. April 2. 01. 7. This includes reported civilian deaths due to Coalition and insurgent military action, sectarian violence and increased criminal violence.[1. The IBC site states: "it should be noted that many deaths will probably go unreported or unrecorded by officials and media."[1. The IBC website currently states that, "Further analysis of the Wiki. Leaks' Iraq War Logs may add 1. Iraq Family Health Survey.

Iraq Family Health Survey for the World Health Organization.[1. On January 9, 2. 00. World Health Organization reported the results of the "Iraq Family Health Survey" published in The New England Journal of Medicine.[2. The study surveyed 9,3.

Iraq and estimated 1. March 2. 00. 3 through June 2.

Employees of the Iraqi Health Ministry carried out the survey.[2. See also farther down: Iraq Family Health Survey.

Opinion Research Business. Opinion Research Business (ORB) poll conducted August 1. Iraq War. The range given was 9. A nationally representative sample of approximately 2,0. Iraqi adults answered whether any members of their household (living under their roof) were killed due to the Iraq War.

ORB reported that "4. United Nations. The United Nations reported that 3. Iraq.[3. 0]Lancet studies. The Lancet study's figure of 6. June 2. 00. 6 is based on household survey data.

The estimate is for all excess violent and nonviolent deaths. That also includes those due to increased lawlessness, degraded infrastructure, poorer healthcare, etc. Coalition, 2. 4% to others, 4. The causes of violent deaths were gunshot (5. A copy of a death certificate was available for a high proportion of the reported deaths (9.

PLOS Medicine Study. The PLOS Medicine study's figure of approximately 4. June 2. 01. 1 is based on household survey data including at least 1. The estimate is for all excess violent and nonviolent deaths. That also includes those due to increased lawlessness, degraded infrastructure, poorer healthcare, etc. They estimated at least 5. Iraq. The survey found that more than 6.

The survey notes that although car bombs received more significant press internationally, gunshot wounds were responsible for the majority (6. The study also estimated that 3. Coalition, and 3. Cardiovascular conditions accounted for about half (4. Ali al- Shemari (previous Iraqi Health Minister)Concerning war- related deaths (civilian and non- civilian), and deaths from criminal gangs, Iraq's Health Minister. Ali al- Shemari said that since the March 2.

Iraqis had been killed.[3. Al- Shemari said on Thursday [November 9, 2. For more info see farther down at Iraq Health Minister estimate in November 2. Costs of War Project. Iraq war, including 1. Iraq Body Count's figures), according to the findings of the Costs of War Project, a team of 3. Brown University and the Watson Institute to study the effects of wars involving the United States since 2.

The project also examined the economic costs of the Iraq war, as well as the human and economic cost of war in Afghanistan and Pakistan.[3. Overview: Death estimates by group.

Iraqi Security Forces (aligned with Coalition)From June 2. December 3. 1, 2. Iraqi military and police killed based on several estimates.[3.

The Iraq Index of the Brookings Institution keeps a running total of ISF casualties.[4. There is also a breakdown of ISF casualties at the i. Casualties. org website.[4. Iraqi insurgents. From June 2. 00. 3, through September 3. Iraqi insurgents killed based on several estimates.[4.

Media and aid workers. February 2. 4, 2. See Category: Journalists killed while covering the Iraq War.) 9.

November 2. 1, 2. Reuters article.[4. U. S. armed forces. Graph of monthly deaths of U.

S. military personnel in Iraq from beginning of war to June 2. As of June 2. 9, 2. U. S. Department of Defense casualty website, there were 4,4. WIA) as a result of Operation Iraqi Freedom. As a part of Operation New Dawn, which was initiated on September 1, 2.

KIA and non- hostile) and 2. WIA.[4. 9] See the references for a breakdown of the wounded, injured, ill, those returned to duty (RTD), those requiring medical air transport, non- hostile- related medical air transports, non- hostile injuries, diseases, or other medical reasons.[4. Coalition deaths by hostile fire. As of 2. 3 October 2. Armed forces of other coalition countries. See Multinational force in Iraq.

As of 2. 4 February 2. Coalition nations. UK deaths and 1. 39 deaths from other nations.

Breakdown: [5. 0][5. Australia — 2. Azerbaijan — 1. Bulgaria — 1. 3Czech Republic — 1. Denmark — 7. El Salvador — 5.

Estonia — 2. Fiji — 1. Georgia — 5. Hungary — 1. Italy — 3. 3Kazakhstan — 1. Latvia — 3. Netherlands — 2. Poland — 3. 0Portugal — 1.

Romania — 4. Slovakia — 4. South Korea — 1. Spain — 1.

Thailand — 2. Ukraine — 1. United Kingdom — 1. Contractors. Contractors.

At least 1,4. 87 deaths between March 2. June 2. 01. 1 according to the list of private contractor deaths in Iraq. U. S.[5. 8][5. 9][6. Contractors are "Americans, Iraqis and workers from more than three dozen other countries."[6.

Contractors "cook meals, do laundry, repair infrastructure, translate documents, analyze intelligence, guard prisoners, protect military convoys, deliver water in the heavily fortified Green Zone and stand sentry at buildings – often highly dangerous duties almost identical to those performed by many U.

Battle Of Hamburger Hill During The Vietnam War. Vietnam Information on the Battle of Hamburger Hill during The Vietnam War, also known as Hill 9. The battle, which was fought on May 1. U. S. casualties and caused an outrage back home.‘Don’t mean nothin’. That was the refrain of the powerful 1. Hamburger Hill, more correctly called Ap Bia Mountain or Hill 9. Many veterans of that May 1.

But the truth is that it was one of the most significant battles of the war, for it spelled the end of major American ground combat operations in Vietnam. The Hamburger Hill battle had run afoul of a fundamental war- fighting equation. Master philosopher of war Karl von Clausewitz emphasized almost a century and a half earlier that because war is controlled by its political object, the value of this object must determine the sacrifices to be made for it both in magnitude and also in duration.

He went on to say, Once the expenditure of effort exceeds the value of the political object, the object must be renounced. And that’s exactly what happened. The expenditure of effort at Hamburger Hill exceeded the value the American people attached to the war in Vietnam. The public had turned against the war a year and a half earlier, and it was their intense reaction to the cost of that battle in American lives, inflamed by sensationalist media reporting, that forced the Nixon administration to order the end of major tactical ground operations. This was not the first time the American public had stopped supporting a war. Contrary to widespread belief, Vietnam is not the most unpopular war in American history.

The Mexican War in 1. Korea. The majority of Americans supported the war in Vietnam from the landing of the Marines in Da Nang in March 1. U. S. combat engagements) until October 1. Those 3. 0 months equaled the period of time the American people supported the ground war in Europe in World War II, from the landing of U. S. forces in North Africa in November 1. May 1. 94. 5. Public opinion had turned–not on ideological grounds, as the anti- war movement would claim, but for pragmatic reasons.

Either win the damn thing or get the hell out! Johnson administration seemed unable to do either, the American people’s patience ran out. American public opinion turned against the war in Korea after only five months, percentages of those in favor falling precipitously after Chinese intervention in the war in November 1. The war became stalemated after the U. S. Eighth Army’s defeat of the 2.

Chinese Spring Offensive in April 1. Vietnam with the defeat of the enemy’s 1. Tet Offensive), degenerating into a series of bloody outpost skirmishes. The last of those skirmishes was the battle for Pork Chop Hill between July 6 and 1. Officially Hill 2. Pork Chop Hill because of its geographic shape.

One of a series of outposted hills along the Iron Triangle in the western sector of the line of contact, it had long been contested by the enemy. Earlier, in November 1. U. S. 2nd Infantry Division’s Thailand Battalion had come under heavy Chinese Communist Forces (CCF) attack there, but the assault was beaten back. On March 1, 1. 95. Infantry Division’s 3. Infantry Regiment, Pork Chop Hill came under an 8,0. CCF artillery barrage.

Then on March 2. 3, the CCF 6. Division, under cover of an intense mortar and artillery barrage, made a ground attack on Pork Chop Hill. After some initial gains they were beaten back, only to resume the attack on April 1.

Once again they were beaten back by counterattacks from the 3. Infantry, reinforced by a battalion from the 7th Infantry Division’s 1.

Infantry Regiment. But it was artillery that made the difference, as the 7th Infantry Division massed the guns of nine artillery battalions and fired 7. Watch A Heartbeat Away Online Fandango. On July 6, 1. 95.

CCF made yet another attempt to capture Pork Chop Hill. This time they gained a foothold on a portion of the crest. After repeated attempts to dislodge them were repulsed, General Maxwell D. Taylor, the Eighth U. S. Army commander, ordered the hill to be abandoned on July 1. Two weeks later, with the signing of the armistice agreement at Panmunjom on July 2. North and South Korea. Watch Alive Online Etonline.

Ever the politician (as he would prove to be again in the Vietnam War), General Taylor had made his decision based on his perception of American public and political reactions to the high numbers of U. S. casualties. During the month of July 1. United States and its allies along the line of contact, including Pork Chop Hill, had suffered 2. CCF artillery barrage. Chinese and North Korean casualties were estimated at 7. The battle for Hamburger Hill, like the Vietnam War itself, was less intense than the battle for Pork Chop Hill in Korea. A body count confirmed that 6.

NVA soldiers had died in the battle, but as Samuel Zaffiri noted in his definitive history of the fight: There is no telling how many other NVA soldiers were killed and wounded and carried into Laos. No telling how many were buried alive in bunkers and tunnels on the mountain or ended up in forgotten graves in the draws or along the many ridges. Final U. S. casualties were 4. While these losses were high, Hamburger Hill was not the bloodiest fight of the war, even for the 1. Airborne Division. In the earlier November 1.

Dak To in the Central Highlands, 2. U. S. soldiers were killed in action and an estimated 1,6. NVA soldiers also perished, victims of the 1. Boeing B- 5. 2 sorties that supported the operation. Later, during the week of February 1. Tet Offensive, 5.

Americans were killed in action and another 2,5. American public. The Hamburger Hill losses were much smaller, but they set off a firestorm of protest back home. The American people were growing more weary of the war. A February 1. 96.

Vietnam had been a mistake. Politicians were quick to seek advantage in those numbers.

Most prominent was Democratic Senator Edward Kennedy of Massachusetts, whose brother John F. Beneath The Dark Full Movie Part 1. Kennedy had been the architect of America’s Vietnam involvement. As Zaffiri related: In the early afternoon of May 2. Senator Kennedy [who had served as a draftee military policeman in Paris during the Korean War] stood up on the Senate floor and angrily denounced the attack on Dong Ap Bia, calling it’senseless and irresponsible…madness…sympathetic of a mentality and a policy that requires immediate attention.

American boys are too valuable to be sacrificed to a false sense of military pride.’Kennedy would escalate his attack on May 2. New Democratic Coalition in Washington, referring to the battle as nothing but cruelty and savagery, as well as saying that the Vietnam War was unjustified and immoral. He was soon joined by other senators, including South Dakota’s George S. Mc. Govern, a decorated World War II bomber pilot, and Ohio’s Stephen M. Young, an infantryman in World War I and an Army staff officer in World War II, who carried the attack to a new level. In a lengthy speech on May 2.

Zaffiri: Young described how during the Civil War the Confederate generals Stonewall Jackson and Robert E. Lee attacked the Union forces at Chancellorsville from the rear and flanks simultaneously and routed them. Our generals in Vietnam acted as if they had never studied Lee and Jackson’s strategy,’ Young concluded. Instead, they fling our paratroopers piecemeal in frontal assaults. Instead of seeking to surround the enemy and seeking to assault the hill from the sides and the front simultaneously, there was one frontal assault after another, killing our boys who went up Hamburger Hill.’What set off this wave of criticism was a May 1.