The Worst Movies Ever - Empire. We asked, and you voted in your thousands.

L.A. Times entertainment news from Hollywood including event coverage, celebrity gossip and deals. View photo galleries, read TV and movie reviews and more. This blog contains a series of movie segments to be used to brainstorm, warm up, follow up, and activate schemata, preparing the students for the topic that will be. The Tomatometer rating – based on the published opinions of hundreds of film and television critics – is a trusted measurement of movie and TV.

And now, for your delectation, we have the results of the worst movies ever made poll. From the disappointing to the bad to the downright offensive, here is a pile of sick filth that should be banned if the BBFC ever start assessing narrative coherence and filmmaking skill. Ladies and gentlemen, your worst movies ever.. Spider- Man 3. Who's responsible? Director/writer Sam Raimi, co- writing brother Ivan and screenwriter Alvin Sargent, an unholy alliance of studio suits and Venom fans, including producer Avi Arad. Why it's on the list The one where Spidey went dark, we got three villains for the price of one as a lump of unexplained space goo drives Peter Parker to the eyeliner drawer. Three villains might've been a good thing had they not trampled all over each other's screentime and narrative coherence.

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Audiences lapped it up - it remains Sony Picture's biggest grossing movie - but with Sam Raimi at the helm and a small army of FX gurus on board, it could and should have been so much more. Redeeming feature J. K. Simmons chewing up Peter, and the screen, with his trademark gusto. What the critics said "As he scampers around the bathtub of popular culture, Spidey is beginning to exhaust everyone's patience. The time has come for someone to produce a rolled- up newspaper the size of a subway train and bring it down with an almighty crash" - Peter Bradshaw, The Guardian.

Showgirls. Who's responsible? Director Paul Verhoeven and screenwriter Joe Eszterhas. Why it's on the list Whether you see it as All About Eve only with the good bits taken out and a naked Elizabeth Berkley put in, or a yet- to- be recognised classic, Showgirls represents a career graveyard for anyone unlucky enough to be cast in it (Elizabeth Berkley, Kyle Mac. Lachlan, Gina Gershon, we're looking at you). Ignored at the box office, it briefly flourished on DVD, before ending the Nineties claiming the Razzies Worst Picture of the Decade gong - and this was the decade that gave us Batman and Robin. Redeeming feature The trash- tastic neon- lit dance scenes have a certain manic energy and, er, the bit with the.. What the critics said "This film is like a shiny, red apple that's rotten to the core - - despite slick direction and a glossy sheen, it reeks of decay" - James Berardinelli, Reelreviews.

Town & Country. Watch She Who Must Burn Download. Who's responsible? Director Peter Chelsom, writers Michael Laughlin and Buck Henry, and, reputedly, Warren Beatty's ego. Why it's on the list Great cast, talented director, healthy budget, rubbish movie.

How did it happen? Well, if rumours of on- set wrangling are to be believed, Warren Beatty takes a good portion of the blame, although surely he alone couldn't be responsible for the budget ballooning from $4. Maybe, says Peter Biskind, whose sources claim that an insecure Beatty "worried every speech to death" as the movie crumbled around him.

Redeeming feature Charlton Heston sending himself up as a gun- toting lunatic. What the critics said "Town & Country is less deserving of a review than it is an obituary" - Peter Travers, Rolling Stone. Soul Plane. Who's responsible? Muhammad Ali`S Greatest Fight Online Putlocker more.

Director Jesse Terero, screenwriters Chuck Wilson and Bo Zenga. Why it's on the list This was billed as an "urban" take on Airplane! That's a bad idea to begin with: like Scary Movie, parodies of a parody are on to a loser from the start. But with the addition of crude racial stereotyping (of all races) and a fatal lack of funny, this goes from bad to worst. If more voters had seen it, this would be in the top ten. Redeeming feature Snoop Dogg's stoner pilot comes close to funny.

Well, he's in the same postcode at least. Well, the same country.

If that country is Russia. What the critics said "In Soul Plane, the laughs are a little thin on the ground. In fact this reprehensible piece of rubbish is more likely to be greeted with an appalled silence. About the only thing you can say in its favour is that the film is egalitarian, showing the same lack of respect for everyone and everything." - Wendy Ide, The Times. Howard the Duck. Who's responsible? Screenwriter/director Willard Huyck, writing partner Gloria Katz, fellow USC alumnus George Lucas, whose idea it was to adapt the Marvel comic, whose idea it was, and ducks everywhere just for giving them that idea. Why it's on the list Ignore anyone who tells you it had a certain kitschy charm: it doesn't, it has a tiny man in a duck suit wandering around Cleveland smoking cigarettes.

Proof, alongside Blade Trilogy and Spider- Man 3, that Marvel adaptations need to be handled with care. Redeeming feature There's only one duck- based sex scene. What the critics said "Daffy Duck will be pleased to hear he didn't miss any career opportunities when he wasn't chosen to star in "Howard the Duck"" - Variety. Blade Trinity. Who's responsible? Director/screenwriter David S. Goyer. Why it's on the list David Goyer takes the rap for this textbook example of franchisicide. The screenwriter's decision to step behind the camera backfires spectacularly in Blade's third outing, with Dracula roped for a fiendishly silly vampire plot to infect humanity.

Anyone else could fairly blame his scriptwriter for the muddy, incoherent storyline. Unfortunately for Goyer, that's him too. Redeeming feature The epithet "cock- juggling thundercunt", thrown at an otherwise wasted Parker Posey by an improbably ab- ed Ryan Reynolds.

What the critics said "Were it not for Spider- Man 2, X2, and The Incredibles, the premise of a superhero greeted by a hostile public might have carried some novelty, but Blade: Trinity does nothing more ambitious than continue a sputtering franchise" - Scott Tobias, A. V. Club. 44. The Matrix Revolutions. Who's responsible? Writer/director brother act, The Wachowskis. Why it's on the list If the Wachowskis' sci- fi trilogy jumped the shark in its second instalment, it was still watchable hokum. But with the third effort, expectations were still high but kinetic thrill was replaced by further endless philosophical meanderings, and fans and critics stopped being apologists and became semi- apoplectic.

Here, the storytelling is never wholly coherent, transforming the mythology of The Oracle, Zion and The Architect into a cod- spiritual soup. Even Hugo Weaving's trademark "Mr Andersssssson" seems an 's' or two OTT.

Redeeming feature A final attack on Zion that will literally explode your eyeballs. What the critics said "It's just that it all adds up to a supersize nothing. To all but fanatics, the disappointment is crushing" - Pete Travers, Rolling Stone.

Year One. Who's responsible? Director Harold Ramis, screenwriters Gene Stupnitsky and Lee Eisenberg. Not to mention producer Judd Apatow. Why it's on the list This Biblical satire promised much: the return of Harold Ramis, the yin- and- yang comic talents of Jack Black and Michael Cera, and a high concept that promised to do for the Old Testament what Spinal Tap did for cucumber- packing rockstars. And to heighten our anticipation still further, the trailer packed three solid laughs.

Unfortunately, so did the film. Redeeming feature Movie- stealing cameos from David Cross and the ever- marvellous Paul Rudd. What the critics said "There's plenty of lowbrow, knuckle- dragging humour; coupled with all the gay jokes, poop jokes, Jewish jokes and you're- stupider- than- I- am jokes. The arrested- development crowd will no doubt be thoroughly entertained" - Betsy Sharkey. Parting Shots. Who's responsible? Director/screenwriter Michael Winner, co- writer Nick Mead.

Why it's on the list Its low concept (terminally ill man uses his remaining time on Earth to kill anyone who's ever got on his nerves), phoned- in performances and train- crash execution makes this easily one of the worst movies ever to (dis)grace our screens - so bad in fact, that if you tried to bury it in landfill the other rubbish would climb out. This is a valuable reminder of why, for a movie director, Michael Winner makes such a good restaurant critic.