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Six Land Buying Mistakes We Almost Made. Now that we are a year and a half into our journey towards building our debt- free home, the process of choosing our land feels far in the past. However, we recently got to thinking about the long, unexpectedly complicated journey we went on to secure the site of our homestead and we now have enough distance from the experience that we wanted to share what we learned with you. In many ways, buying rural property is nothing like buying a house in the city, and the process if filled with unique challenges that can stymie buyers if they don’t know what to expect. If you’re in the market for rural land or simply want to know more about the process, please take a look at these mistakes we almost made (or could have made) when picking our property!

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There are many more factors to consider than just these below, of course… maybe we’ll create a comprehensive guide one day but until then…! Limit the number of steep hills between you and the rest of the world. Watch Mandela: Long Walk To Freedom Online Forbes there. Going up and down steep hills gets really tricky, especially in northern climates that experience lots of snow and ice. We looked at some amazing properties with super steep driveways and wound up turning them down, which we’re glad we did because they would have added a lot of unnecessary complications to our life, especially when it comes to towing water up hill! Avoid overly muddy roads.

Even great dirt roads turn into a mucky, muddy mess in bad weather, so while the idea of living at the end of a dirt road may sound romantic, it can be a major hassle during part of the year. At the very least, try to research who maintains the roads near you so that you know who to call if it becomes undrivable in wet conditions.

Watch out for bridges. In our area, bridges often get flooded in water and buried in snow. One even gave way completely last year, and it’s probably not going to be replaced anytime soon. If you choose to live on property on the wrong side of a flimsy bridge, you might be in trouble! Beautiful trees become roadblocks during a windstorm. Those beautiful old trees that were a selling point for your property? A major windstorm might knock them down (like our epic windstorm of 2.

As a side note, always keep a chainsaw handy for little emergencies like this! Where are the railroads? If frequent trains keep cutting across your path on your way home, you can expect to sit for 2.

Also, trains are loud- even if you live far away from them. The acoustics of rural land can really magnify noise sometimes. In fact, we almost bought the perfect property with a cute onsite cabin, but changed our mind when we heard an incredibly loud train rumble through that night. Visit a potential property multiple times. In fact, it’s best to always go back and visit a property at least twice so that you really know what it feels like. Watch Bitten Online Bitten Full Movie Online more. A piece of land that looks gorgeous and dreamy by day might be a disaster as soon as a train comes by that night. It’s also a good idea to make sure to visit it during different seasons and different times of the day, so long as you don’t think it will be bought first.

Remember, there’s no such thing as the perfect property. There won’t be a single place you find that fits every requirement on your list, and that’s okay.

Keep in mind that while you’re shopping for your dream property, the place you wind up with is bound to have a few flaws. Make sure you take your time in the search process to truly find some place you love, even if it doesn’t have every requirement on your list. And there you have it- seven tips for buying rural land that we easily could have missed. There are many, many tips for buying rural property… what are some you feel you could have missed or learned from experience? We’d love to hear them below in the comments. Did you enjoy this post? If so, help us produce more of them!

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