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Reader Question: I Checked Out of My Marriage. Showtime Full Street Thief Online Free. How do you love your spouse again, especially after you’ve already given up your dream of a happy marriage?

That’s today’s Reader Question! Every Monday I like to take a stab at a question a reader sends in, and this week it’s from a man whose wife finally understands how hurt he’s been over the years–but he’s afraid it’s too late. My wife and I have been married for 1. For the majority of that time we’ve been a mess.

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We don’t fight and never have. I very easy going and I have never even raised my voice to her. Our problems began early on. She simply did not pay any attention to me. I spoiled her, gave her everything. Every few years I would break and crumble due to loneliness.

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She said she loved me but didn’t know how to show it. Last year was the final straw! I melted down completely. I sought therapy and even took pills for my depression.

I began to brace myself for divorce. I had done all I could do to get my wife to understand my needs. I decided to “let her go” and with that, the dream of the wonderful fairytale marriage I had so longed for. Then my wife read your book “The Good Girl’s Guide to Great Sex”. After that she said she had been illuminated. She all of a sudden became interested in “fixing things”. Here is the problem, I “let her go” already.

All my love and desire is just gone. I don’t feel anything anymore. She so wants to have everything I ever wanted and now I just don’t care. My friends say I should just go with it and be happy. But I would be faking everything. I am miserably sad about this and I’m broken.

I don’t see how I could love her again. Please tell me you have something! Anything! That’s tough, and I want to answer it both for the husband and the wife.

But first, please understand: there are no easy answers. There’s so much heartache involved here and so much water under the bridge that an easy fix isn’t possible. That being said, let me leave you with some big picture ideas: Thoughts for the Spouse Who has “Checked Out” Already. You’ve likely been hurting your whole marriage, and you had to steel yourself to the idea that you’d never get what you want. You couldn’t live in the misery of unmet expectations anymore, so you decided to give up on your dream of ever being happy with your spouse. To do that, you had to seal off a portion of your heart. You decided, “I don’t need you anymore”, which is almost the same emotionally as saying, “I don’t love you anymore.” If you’ve done that, then how do you love your spouse again–after all that emotional turmoil of letting go?

Act Love Rather than Feel Love. We tend to think that love is a feeling, but it’s really not. Love is deciding to act kindly towards a person and to look after that person’s well- being tangibly. Love is just being kind. I remember how absolutely devastated I was after various breakups in my late teen years. My heart was broken in two, and I really didn’t think that I’d ever be able to move on. Even when I met my husband, and we started getting closer, I still thought about that last boyfriend.

I didn’t want to go back to him, but I secretly hoped to run into him in 1. Ha! Look what you missed out on!” I didn’t think I’d ever really get him out of my system. But he’s totally gone now. It didn’t even take very long. Even before I married, I realized I didn’t even care anymore.

I’ve heard of similar things from women who have had emotional (and even physical) affairs. Watch Dead Man Putlocker. Even though they chose their husband, they thought they’d never be able to be perfectly happy again, because they were without their one true love.

And now that they knew what true love felt like, the marriage could never measure up, even if they stayed. Yet a funny thing happened.

Time goes on, and the act of being married and being committed changes you. Those heady infatuation feelings fade, and they’re replaced by real love that you feel for your spouse. I believe a similar thing can happen if you’ve LOST love. You’re hurt, and you’re closed off. But if you stay, you’ll find that little by little, everyday, you start building a new life together.

You start growing that love again. There’s a story I heard about a counselor talking to a woman who was determined to get a divorce. He advised her that before she do so, she take 3. Say nice things to him. Be affectionate. Shower him with blessings. And then, at the end of the 3.

That sounded like a great idea, she thought. It would be so perfect–like a whammy he’d never expect. She’d lull him into believing everything was alright, and then she’d leave. It would be so devastating, like an extra punishment.

So she did it. She was sweet. She was affectionate. She brought him coffee. And when 3. 0 days was up, she went to see the counselor. He asked if she was ready to tell him, and she said, “No way! A funny thing happened this month. I think I fell in love with him again!”As she was nice to him, he was nice to her.

And they found a new balance in their marriage that was actually quite fun. But it happened because she started ACTING love out, not because she started FEELING. Our feelings normally follow our actions, not the other way around. Try acting out love, and you may find that your heart softens. Being married makes you wealthier. It makes you happier.

It adds as many years to a man’s life as quitting smoking does. It makes you less susceptible to disease. It helps you to raise better kids. Marriage is a wonderful thing. Before you throw it away, think about the cost.

Thoughts If Your Spouse Has Checked Out. Your spouse has checked out of the marriage, and you’ve finally realized that you were doing wrong. You want your spouse to love you again. Maybe you had an affair. Maybe you withheld sex.

Maybe you just never cared about your spouse’s feelings. What do you do now to show your spouse you’re different?

I’ve got a post with some great thoughts on what to do when you’re the one who needs forgiveness, and I’d encourage you to read it. Some quick thoughts from that: give your spouse time to be angry; work on a friendship before you work on a sex life; don’t just apologize, show tangible change; get counseling; and decide how much to tell the kids. Read that post for lots of insight! But I do have one more thought.

I have a friend who is walking through this right now. He has checked out; and his wife is only starting to realize the damage that she has done. Much of that damage, though, has its roots in her own childhood, with trauma that she has never dealt with. Often the reason that we are unable to give a spouse the love that he or she needs is because we ourselves didn’t receive it when we were young. We thus are in self- preservation mode. We have control issues and trust issues. And so it’s hard to build a good marriage, and we often hurt the one we want to love.

If someone hurt you in the past, do not give that person power over you today. Do not continue to live with it. Get counseling!  Even if you have to pay a counselor $1. If you go for a whole year, that’s $5. That’s a lot, but it’s less than it will cost to get divorced. Take this seriously and deal with it. If your spouse sees that finally you are admitting you have issues, and finally you are admitting you have a problem, that may go a long way in helping your spouse to love you again.

Whichever spouse you are, this will be a long road. But I firmly believe that God is in the transformation business, and He’s in the reconciliation business.

He loves nothing better than to take two broken people and make them whole again.