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Rebecca (novel) - Wikipedia. Rebecca is a thriller novel by English author Dame Daphne du Maurier. A best- seller, Rebecca sold 2,8. The novel is remembered especially[1] for the character Mrs. Danvers, the fictional estate Manderley, and its opening line: "Last night I dreamt I went to Manderley again."— The second Mrs.

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Winter. While working as the companion to a rich American woman on holiday in Monte Carlo, the unnamed narrator, a naïve young woman in her early 2. Englishman, Maximilian (Maxim) de Winter, a 4. After a fortnight of courtship, she agrees to marry him and, after the wedding and honeymoon, accompanies him to his mansion in Cornwall, the beautiful West Country estate Manderley. Mrs. Danvers, the sinister housekeeper, was profoundly devoted to the first Mrs. Winter, Rebecca, who died in a boating accident about a year before Maxim and the second Mrs.

Winter met. She continually attempts to undermine the new Mrs. Winter psychologically, subtly suggesting to her that she will never attain the beauty, urbanity, and charm her predecessor possessed. Whenever the new Mrs. Winter attempts to make changes at Manderley, Mrs. Danvers describes how Rebecca ran it when she was alive. Each time Mrs. Danvers does this, she implies that the new Mrs. Winter lacks the experience and knowledge necessary for running an important estate.

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Cowed by Mrs. Danvers' imposing manner, the new mistress simply caves in. She is soon convinced that Maxim regrets his impetuous decision to marry her and is still deeply in love with the seemingly perfect Rebecca. The climax occurs at Manderley's annual costume ball. Mrs. Danvers manipulates the protagonist into wearing a replica of the dress shown in a portrait of one of the former inhabitants of the estate—the same costume worn by Rebecca to much acclaim shortly before her death. The narrator has a drummer announce her entrance using the name of the lady in the portrait: Caroline de Winter.

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When the narrator shows Maxim the dress, he gets very angry at her and orders her to change. Showtime Full Street Thief Online Free. Shortly after the ball, Mrs.

Danvers reveals her contempt for the second Mrs. Winter, believing she is trying to replace Rebecca, and reveals her deep, unhealthy obsession with the dead woman. Mrs. Danvers tries to get Mrs. Winter to commit suicide by encouraging her to jump out of the window. However, she is thwarted at the last moment by the disturbance occasioned by a nearby shipwreck.

A diver investigating the condition of the wrecked ship's hull also discovers the remains of Rebecca's boat, with her body still on board. This discovery causes Maxim to confess the truth to the second Mrs. Winter. He tells her how his marriage to Rebecca was nothing but a sham—how from the very first days husband and wife loathed each other.

Rebecca, Maxim reveals, was a cruel and selfish woman who manipulated everyone around her into believing her to be the perfect wife and a paragon of virtue. She repeatedly taunted Maxim with sordid tales of her numerous love affairs. The night of her death, she told Maxim that she was pregnant with another man's child, which she would raise under the pretense that it was Maxim's and he would be powerless to stop her. In a rage, he shot her, then disposed of her body by placing it in her boat and sinking it at sea. The second Mrs. de Winter thinks little of Maxim's murder confession, but instead is relieved to hear that Maxim loves her and not Rebecca. Rebecca's boat is raised and it is discovered that it was deliberately sunk. An inquest brings a verdict of suicide.

However, Rebecca's first cousin, and lover, Jack Favell, attempts to blackmail Maxim, claiming to have proof that Rebecca could not have intended suicide based on a note she sent to him the night she died. It is revealed that Rebecca had had an appointment with a Doctor Baker in the outskirts of London shortly before her death, presumably to confirm her pregnancy. When the doctor is found, he reveals that Rebecca had been suffering from cancer and would have died within a few months. Furthermore, due to the malformation of her uterus, she could never have been pregnant. Maxim assumes that Rebecca, knowing that she was going to die, manipulated him into killing her quickly. Mrs. Danvers had said at the inquiry that Rebecca feared nothing except dying a lingering death.

Maxim feels a great sense of foreboding, and insists on driving through the night to return to Manderley. However, before he comes in sight of the house, it is clear from a glow on the horizon and wind- borne ashes that it is ablaze. Characters throughout the Novel[edit]Main Characters[edit]The Narrator/Mrs. Winter: A timid, naïve, middle- class woman in her early twenties, who enjoys sketching. Neither the narrator's first nor maiden name is revealed.

She is referred to as "my wife", Mrs. Winter, "my dear", and so on. The one time she is introduced with a name is during a fancy dress ball, in which she dresses as a de Winter ancestor and is introduced as "Caroline de Winter," although this is clearly not her own name. She signs her name as "Mrs. M. de Winter", using Maxim's initial. Early in the novel she receives a letter and remarks that her name was correctly spelled, which is "an unusual thing," suggesting her name is uncommon, foreign or complex.

While courting her, Maxim compliments her on her "lovely and unusual name". Despite her timidity, she gradually matures throughout the novel, refusing to be a victim of Rebecca's phantom- like influence any longer and becoming a strong, assertive woman in her own right. Maximilian "Maxim" de Winter: The reserved, unemotional owner of Manderley. He marries his new wife after a brief courtship, yet displays little affection toward her after the marriage. Watch Up In Smoke Tube Free. Emotionally scarred by his traumatic marriage to Rebecca, his distance toward his new wife causes her to fear he regrets his marriage to her and is still broken- hearted over Rebecca's death.

Maxim murdered Rebecca in a blind rage after she pushed him over the edge with her lie that she was carrying the child of one of her lovers and would force him to raise it as his own. He does eventually reveal to his new wife that he does love her, but not until several months of marriage have passed. His full name is tauntingly revealed, by Jack Favell, to be George Fortescue Maximilian de Winter. Mrs. Danvers: The cold, creepy, overbearing housekeeper of Manderley. Danvers was Rebecca's family maid when she was a child and has lived with her for years. She is unhealthily obsessed with Rebecca and preserving Rebecca's memory. She resents the new Mrs de Winter, convinced she is trying to "take Rebecca's place." She tries to destroy the marriage, but her efforts fail and only serve to bring Maxim and his new wife closer together.

After her scheme is ruined, Mrs. Danvers burns Manderley to the ground, preferring to destroy it than allow Maxim to share his home with another lover and wife. She is nicknamed Danny which is derived from her last name; her first name being unknown or unimportant. Rebecca de Winter: The unseen, deceased titular character, who has been dead for less than a year.

A famous beauty, and on the surface a devoted wife and perfect hostess, Rebecca was actually a compulsive liar and an openly promiscuous woman who tormented her husband Maxim with lurid tales of her nonstop affairs. Watch Vallanzasca - Gli Angeli Del Male Streaming. Her lingering presence overwhelms Manderley, dominating the visitors, the staff and the new Mrs. Winter. Through dialogue, it is slowly revealed that Rebecca possessed all the signs of a psychopath: habitual lying, superficial charm, expert manipulation, no conscience and no remorse. She was also revealed to be somewhat sadistic—Danvers tells a story of Rebecca, during her teenage years, cruelly whipping a horse until it bled. In the 1. 94. 0 film adaptation, her maiden name was said to be Hildreth. Recurring Characters[edit]Frank Crawley: The hard- working, dutiful agent of Manderley.

He is said to be Maxim's trusted advisor and faithful confidant.