The LAST DAYS of Chronology in the Doctrines of Jehovah's Witnesses (Watch Tower Bible & Tract Society)A 1. Showtime Full Shame The Devil Online Free on this page. YEAR ANNIVERSARY is usually something to take pride in — something to celebrate! And, yes, the 1. 00- year milestone of the 1. But not for the same reasons that the majority of Jehovah’s Witnesses are giving special attention to the date.

We’ll explain the reasons we are celebrating, of course. But first, some background: “THIS IS THE YEAR OF THE KINGDOM”And now, in 2. Watchtower celebrates the 1. A phrase that has been heard multiple times among Jehovah’s Witnesses from their headquarters (Bethel) is that 2.

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The Year of the Kingdom.”The following links (to jw. Something is just a bit ironic in this article.

It’s in the ellipses, hidden in those three little dots after “Behold, the King reigns! Give up? The answer is linked here.)THE TRUTH BE TOLDMany of us with years of experience among Jehovah’s Witnesses have yet another reason to celebrate 2. Primarily, we’re celebrating Truth — finding“pleasure in truth.” Isn’t that what had attracted us to Jehovah’s Witnesses in the first place?

Psalm 5. 1: 6 says: “Look! You find pleasure in truth in the inner person.” (NWT, 2. It should become clear to anyone who spends much time looking at the research that has been reproduced, referenced and presented on these pages that the 1. So exactly why would we celebrate? Are we gloating? For most of us, we are happy with the demise of the 1. And correcting an error is always a good thing.

Researching and studying about 1. But it was a step to real progress. Many of us now have a much better understanding of the Bible, and we are now more conscious of our spiritual needs. We feel more empathy and better understand one another, especially those who, like ourselves, had found ourselves defending belief systems that required continual change and correction over time.

Supernatural Video: The exclusive home for Supernatural free full episodes, previews, clips, interviews and more video. Only on The CW. Supernatural stars Jared. Who Are The 144,000? This article identifies the 144,000 witnesses of Revelation 7 and 14 and exposes the many false teachings about them. In 1979, the Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society* celebrated the 100-year anniversary of the Watchtower magazine, which was first published in July 1879 as “Zion.

And this empathy has often included our own families, friends and loved ones. For many of us, it was specifically the deep and sincere research into the 1. A MILESTONE OR A MILLSTONE? But wait! Aren’t we getting ahead of ourselves? Many readers of this article will surely think that the Watchtower’s celebration of this 1.

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Anniversary is just evidence that the 1. Why are we acting like this anniversary is somehow a “death knell” for the Watchtower’s traditional 1.

There are plenty of reasons: Any JW who has ever tried to seriously defend the 1. Biblical or secular evidence for pointing to that specific date. Worse than that, there are dozens of lines of evidence against it. If you get to the level of studying the pivotal 6.

BCE date, it turns out that there are literally tens of thousands of pieces of evidence against it. We might have thought that date was set in stone, and as it turns out, the very stones [link] cry out against it.) Every single claim about the doctrine turns out to be problematic from a doctrinal perspective. Defending it creates insurmountable contradictions, and this is something that many Witnesses have had to keep to themselves.

But the Watch Tower publications have now asked Jehovah’s Witnesses to focus on 1. The October 2. 01. Our Kingdom Ministry states: “Realistically, we may find it challenging to explain deep Bible truths, such as how we know that the Kingdom started ruling in 1.

Most, but not all, Jehovah’s Witnesses who write for the Watch Tower publications believe the 1. Even for those who still believe it, however, the renewed focus has clearly created some awkward discoveries. Claims that once appeared regularly in Watch Tower publications have almost disappeared, replaced with reworded claims that make it clear the writer discovered the problem with old claim.  Even some of the more recent doctrinal changes in just the last couple of years provide additional indications that Watch Tower writers have begun to see how the doctrine creates contradictions. Luke 9: 2. 1 indicates the perils for a “man who has put his hand to a plow and looks at the things behind.” If you’ve ever tried to plow (or mow a lawn, at least) while continually looking back at where you’ve been, you will find that the lines aren’t straight.

The Watch Tower’s own writers are looking back and finding out that the lines aren’t straight. Most of us, whether JWs, ex- JWs, or non- JWs, already understand implicitly that the current 1. The teaching has already required adjustment in several ways, and it would be impossible to continue the current teaching without additional changes in the next couple of decades. The doctrine is like a sinking millstone. It can’t remain afloat. KEEP ON TWEAKING FIRST THE KINGDOMIf anyone isn’t up- to- date with some of these more recent changes to the “generation” doctrine, it’s also discussed here. A decade before the most recent changes to the “generation” the January 1, 2.

Watchtower stated: “In recent years, we have been encouraged to look again with deeper understanding at—among other things—the generation that will not pass away before the end comes…. It may be difficult at times to understand such updated explanations, but the reasons for them become clear in due course.” [emphasis added]In due course, of course, the definition of that “generation” changed again.

There was an explanation that worked up until 1. Historically, the Watchtower has offered 7 distinct explanations, as depicted in the graphic below, found at the following web address: http: //www. THE TRUTH, 2. 01. REVISED EDITIONAs already stated, one excellent reason for our celebration is simply “pleasure in truth.” Jehovah’s Witnesses are repeatedly encouraged to do as the Beroeans did: “Now these [Beroeans] were more noble- minded than those in Thessalonica, for they accepted the word with the greatest eagerness of mind, carefully examining the Scriptures daily to see whether these things were so.” — Acts 1. As if to drive home the point even further, Paul later wrote to those in Thessalonica, telling them to “make sure of all things.” (1 Thessalonians 5: 2.

That desire — that pleasure, that eagerness of mind — to “carefully examine” and “make sure” will be clear to anyone looking at those many experiences that many have shared here on this site. And if you have never seen Carl Olof Jonsson’s most comprehensive book, Gentile Times Reconsidered, take a quick look at the bookhere and you will surely be impressed at the level of research and scholarship. CENSURED SENTRIES OF THE CENTURYThere’s another good reason to celebrate, and it’s in a more serious vein. We are all aware of how the Watchtower magazine often “celebrates” the lives of those persons in history who sacrificed much for the sake of truth and for the sake of their faith. It’s a common theme found in many Watchtower articles — one that truly touches the hearts of those who have given up so much for their faith, their conscience, and especially for those related to them in the faith.

That same theme was recently highlighted in the June 1, 2. Watchtower article: Three 1. Century Truth Seekers—What Did They Find? Another recent example is found the April 1, 2. Thomas Emlyn—Blasphemer or Advocate of Truth? The parallels between experiences posted on this site and “1.

Century Truth Seekers” will likely seem quite unexpected to many Witnesses. We’ve included a short post about the Watchtower’s article on Thomas Emlyn, for example, because the similarities to the experience of Witnesses who studied the 1. HOW WE ARE CELEBRATINGWe’re celebrating the lives and experiences of many who suffered the consequences of speaking and writing honestly about their research. We have made an entire section devoted to such experiences and expect to add several more over the coming months. Another way we’ll celebrate is by highlighting some of the excellent work and research that has been done to promote the truth about this matter. Some of that research has been contributed to this site, and much more will be referenced from a special section of the site: Websites, videos, books and discussions.

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